Let's Go! Life Coaching, LLC.

 What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is an individualized program to help you achieve success and develop the life you desire. Coaching is a profession that synthesizes the best from business, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. It benefits those who are ready and willing to make dramatic positive changes in their lives. It is based on a partnership---you and your coach---working together to help you achieve your desired outcome.

Coaching as defined by the International Coach Federation

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

 Why does Life Coaching Work?


The client and coach become a team, focusing on the client's goals and desires. The coach does not have an agenda.  The client’s agenda is what both parties are focused on at all times.  As we team together to focus on your life, the synergy created between us enables you to accomplish more than you might otherwise do on your own.

A coach is trained to help you discover the life you want and how you want to get there.  You are already an expert on you.  Together we have all the pieces we need to succeed.

The coach and client determine action steps at almost every session.  Coaches provide on-going follow-up and support.  This helps the client act quickly to have the life they want.  

What is the main focus with the average client?

We focus where you decide. We may touch on lots of areas related to the main focus area as a way to make the action fit well into your life.  Again, it’s all up to the client.  Whatever goals are most important or will bring the most fulfillment are the right ones to focus on. 

Who hires a coach and why?

People hire a coach because:

- -   They want to live their lives fully - - They want to be financially secure - - They want more family time - - They want a better balanced life - - They want to grow and aren't sure how to get started - - They want someone who can listen and REALLY hear them - - They want a motivator - ·They want someone to help them formulate solutions and support them - - They want to have more time, more fun, and less stress - - Anyone seeking to get results and is willing to work-- hires a coach!

What are the results of hiring a coach?
Many things change, but the most important are:

- -   You learn to value yourself more - -    You stop tolerating the things that are draining your energy - -      You and your coach create a momentum and from there success builds on success - -    You set better goals that are aligned with your core values - -    You take action quickly - -    You have a partner whose only goal is your success - -    Your self confidence improves - -    You have a deeper sense of well-being